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Interior de un árbol de Navidad. Inside a Christmas tree. Villanueva de la Serena. Extremadura. Spain. |
Viajaban a una velocidad descomunal. Hacía varios meses que sus amigos habrían muerto allá en la Tierra, y tan sólo unas semanas que ésta habría sido digerida por el Sol, convertido en una gigante roja.
El comandante anunció que se preparasen para el aterrizaje. Miró por la escotilla del camarote. Todavía no se divisaba el planeta destino, apenas se veían varias estrellas, que desaparecían rápidamente del campo de visión.
Sacó del bolsillo el folleto promocional para repasar una vez más el dibujo de aquel idílico paisaje, y pensó que se conformaría con que la realidad fuese la mitad de bella que aquella estampa. La dobló cuidadosamente, y la guardó de nuevo. Estaba listo para un nuevo comienzo.
El comandante anunció que se preparasen para el aterrizaje. Miró por la escotilla del camarote. Todavía no se divisaba el planeta destino, apenas se veían varias estrellas, que desaparecían rápidamente del campo de visión.
Sacó del bolsillo el folleto promocional para repasar una vez más el dibujo de aquel idílico paisaje, y pensó que se conformaría con que la realidad fuese la mitad de bella que aquella estampa. La dobló cuidadosamente, y la guardó de nuevo. Estaba listo para un nuevo comienzo.
They were traveling at an enormous speed. Several months ago his friends would have died there on Earth, and only a few weeks ago the planet would have been digested by the Sun, turned into a red giant.
The commander announced that they should prepare for the landing. He looked out the cabin. The destination planet was not yet visible, he could see only a few stars, which disappeared rapidly from the field of vision.
He took the promotional brochure out of his pocket to revisit the drawing of that idyllic landscape once more, and thought that he would be satisfied if reality was half as beautiful as the picture.
He folded it carefully, and put it away again. He was ready for a new beginning.
The commander announced that they should prepare for the landing. He looked out the cabin. The destination planet was not yet visible, he could see only a few stars, which disappeared rapidly from the field of vision.
He took the promotional brochure out of his pocket to revisit the drawing of that idyllic landscape once more, and thought that he would be satisfied if reality was half as beautiful as the picture.
He folded it carefully, and put it away again. He was ready for a new beginning.