Guadalupe is a Spanish municipality, located in the region of Las Villuercas of the province of Cáceres (Autonomous Community of Extremadura). It was founded in the thirteenth century, and currently has 2,000 inhabitants.
It owes its name to the Guadalupe River, which runs near the village. The origin of this name comes from the Arabic Was-al-Luben, meaning hidden river. Some argue that the word is a hybrid of Wad-al (river in Arabic) and lupus (wolf in Latin), but this is a less tenable interpretation.
We can find many interesting mouments among its beautiful streets with typical wooden porches and balconies with flowers: the Infants College, the Monks Nursing, the Hospital of St. John the Baptist, the New Hospital, the Hospital of San Juan, where in 1442 was performed for the first time in Spain a dissection surgery, the Church of the Holy Trinity, arches of the medieval wall, and the old Jewish quarter that is located around the Square of the Three Jets. And between them stands the Royal Monastery of Santa Maria de Guadalupe.

El Monasterio acoge la estatua de la Virgen de Guadalupe. Esta Virgen tiene una importancia notable ya que se convirtió en un poderoso símbolo de la cristianización de gran parte del Nuevo Mundo. Si bien el monasterio estuvo habitado en un principio por monjes jerónimos (siglos XIV-XV), actualmente está regentado por franciscanos.
The monastery houses the statue of the Virgin of Guadalupe. This Virgin has a significant importance as it became a powerful symbol of the Christianization of much of the New World. Although the monastery was inhabited initially by Hieronymite monks (XIV-XV centuries), it’s currently run by Franciscans.
It’s built on the site of an ancient shrine of the late thirteenth century. Later there was a Mudejar style church (XIV century), and the current one was built in 1403, going through successive enlargements until the eighteenth century. This means that on the whole monastery we will observe Moorish, Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque and Neoclassical elements.
Dentro del conjunto monumental que integra el Monasterio destacan la Iglesia gótica de Nuestra Señora (siglo XIV), con retablo y decoración barroca; el Camarín de la Virgen con pinturas de Luca Giordano; la Sala Capitular; la Sacristía y Capilla de San Jerónimo, con cuadros famosos de Zurbarán; el Comedor de la Hospedería; el Museo de Bordados (en el antiguo refectorio); sus Museos de pintura y escultura, con obras de Juan de Flandes, Zurbarán, Goya, y el Greco, entre otros; y el Museo de libros miniados, situado en el claustro mudéjar y que alberga una colección de grandes libros de coro miniados de los siglos XV-XVI provenientes del scriptorium del propio monasterio y considerada entre los mejores del mundo; y un Claustro gótico. Todo este conjunto está fortificado y rodeado por ocho torres defensivas entre las que destacan las de Santa Ana, la de Portería y la de las Campanas.

Entre todas sus dependencias destaca el magnífico Claustro de los Milagros, de estilo gótico mudéjar. Fue construido entre por fray Juan de Sevilla 1389 y 1405. Se compone de dos plantas de forma rectangular, que dan paso a los dormitorios y el refectorio. En sus paredes se expone una colección de cuadros relacionados con los milagros de la Virgen.

We can find, among all its dependencies, the magnificent Cloister of Miracles, of Mudejar Gothic style. It was built by Fray Juan de Sevilla from 1389 to 1405. It consists of two rectangular floors, that lead to the bedrooms and refectory. On its walls it’s exposed a collection of pictures related to the miracles of the Virgin.
Cuenta con un pequeño templete en su centro, construido con barro cocido y ladrillo, decorado con azulejos y yeserías, y coronado con una flecha de cerámica blanca y verde, que se prolonga en un cruz de hierro.
It has a small temple at its center, built with clay and brick, decorated with tiles and plasterwork, and crowned with an arrow with white and green ceramic, which is extended by a cross of iron.
In 1486 this monastery was the scene of the encounter between Christopher Columbus and the Catholic Monarchs in order to study the inversion of the voyage to the Indies. In 1492, when Queen Isabella went to the monastery to give thanks for the surrender of Granada, she made the decision to hand over two caravels to Columbus. This one, on his first expedition to America, was entrusted to the Virgin of Guadalupe and gave its name to a Caribbean island.

Por todo lo expuesto, la Unesco decidió en 1993 inscribir el Monasterio de Guadalupe en la lista del Patrimonio de la Humanidad.